We’re currently looking to hear from Atlantic Canadian startup founders on their experiences with the innovation support ecosystem.
If you are a current or previous startup founder and have 30 minutes for an interview, please book an appointment here:
You can find more details on the study below.

Study Title:
An exploratory look at Atlantic Canadian start-up experiences with the innovation ecosystem.
To comprehensively explore and document the experiences of startups in Atlantic Canada within the innovation ecosystem, focusing on identifying key challenges, successes, and the impact of various support mechanisms, with the goal of informing potential policy recommendations to enhance the ecosystem’s effectiveness.
Open-ended, qualitative interviews will be conducted virtually or in-person, depending on the participants’ preference. Interviews are expected to last approximately 30 minutes, and an interview guide with prompts will be used to ensure consistency. The interviews will be recorded, with participants’ consent, to allow for transcription and subsequent thematic analysis. Participants will be selected through purposive sampling and recruited via startup networks, innovation hubs, and direct outreach. All participants will be required to sign informed consent forms, ensuring they understand their participation is voluntary, and that their responses will remain anonymous. Confidentiality will be maintained through secure storage of all recordings and transcripts. Reflexivity will be practiced throughout the research process to mitigate researcher bias and ensure a balanced interpretation of the data. Expected sample size is 40-50.